Betsy MooreFriends of Albany County Public Library
Volunteering is important to me as a way to contribute my skills where they are needed, to spend time with like-minded individuals, and to maintain a connection to our community. I retired in 2011 after 30 years of working in libraries. Libraries have always been my home away from home. From my time as a staff member, I was aware of the important role the Friends of the Albany County Public Library (FOL) played in their support of the Albany County Public Library.
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As Volunteer Coordinator I work with all of our volunteers, using my administrative skills to keep everyone informed and working toward our common goal. I do know of some other volunteer opportunities in Laramie, but I am sure there are more. I believe that I and the other volunteers of The FOL can work with the library staff and library foundation staff to make sure we are all informed about the volunteer needs within Laramie in order to help encourage others to volunteer throughout the community. Talking with others about volunteer opportunities is a great way for anyone to contribute. You never know if someone you are chatting with might just fill a volunteer need unless you bring volunteering into the conversation. The Albany County Public Library receives less budgeted money than many libraries in the state, providing a great reason for me to want to serve in this way. As a reader myself, I want to make sure that everyone has access to the books they are interested in. The large number of donations to the FOL of books and other materials shows that Laramie is a community that enjoys books, movies, and music. The FOL earns money primarily through periodic sales held in the library basement, our Amazon shop, and memberships. Earnings are distributed twice a year by the Friends Board to the library to fund the purchase of new materials, providing our community with a larger selection of materials, print and electronic, to satisfy their needs. Staff also select from the donations any items they want to add to the collection. In addition the FOL also donates materials to various areas in the community to get them into the hands of the community members who will be able to use them. Betsy Moore is the volunteer coordinator for the Friends of the Albany County Public Library. The Friends of the Library is an organization run entirely by volunteers, and Betsy takes on an immense amount of work to ensure that the organization is successful. Betsy handles all aspects of volunteering from recruiting to training to working alongside other volunteers. She visits the Friends of the Library book sale area almost daily. Previously, Betsy has served in many other capacities with the Friends of the Library, such as president of the board. She works very hard and is a devoted and exceptional volunteer. Betsy is the August Volunteer of the Month for the Friends of Albany County Public Library Sponsored by Quality Inn & Suites University of Wyoming.